"The English word "tarragon" originates from the French word estragon or "little dragon," which is derived from the Arabic tarkhun. Some believe the herb was given this name because of its supposed ability to cure the bites of venomous reptiles, while others believe the plant was so named because of its coiled, serpent-like roots. Although alluded to briefly in the 13th century as a seasoning for vegetables, a sleep-inducing drug, and a breath sweetener, tarragon did not become well known until the 16th century."

För de som vill läsa mer om bärnäsingrediensen tittade jag på wikipedia och hos nåt kryddföretag. Fan vet vad jag ska göra med fläskfilén nu.
1 kommentar:
Yes. Tack för den infon. Snygg bild. Ge mig en maskträdryck, tack, men det kvickt ty jag är ormbiten.
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